
Main Sponsors:


GOLD Sponsor





Visit Plottr at https://plottr.com

Use Plottr to outline faster, plot smarter, and turbocharge your productivity today with the #1 visual book planning software for writers.


Silver Sponsors

Omar McCallop  Galaxy Digital Publishing

Galaxy Digital Publishing



Galaxy Digital Publishing helps authors publish and build brands that are targeted towards client’s mainstream consumers – these individuals drive the prominent culture and lead the masses to the latest product, service and cultural trends.


Drew Becker Realization Press

Realization Press





Realization Press is a hybrid publishing company dedicated to helping independent writers publish and prosper.



Elton  Benjamin-  Graphics Sponsor   industry imedge





Partner Sponsor

Divya Parekh  The DP Group

The DP Group






The DP Group


Print Sponsor

Diana Henderson, Author and Editor at Creative Type

Grandfather Poplar





Melissa Kincaid has a secret that she shares with no one—something that makes her different from everyone else in her life. She communicates with trees and with one elder poplar whom she calls Grandfather.



Other Sponsors

Michelle Hill Winning Proof

Winning Proof




Elizabeth Calwell, Author of  Dear Passenger

Dear Passenger





Dear Passenger



Jessica Yee   The Oblique Pen

The Oblique Pen






The Oblique Pen

We are appreciative of our sponsors and urge you to contact them for their services and products.

Carolina Book and Writer Conference
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